How to integrate online editors into your own website on Python


This example will help you integrate ONLYOFFICE Docs into your web application written on Python.

It is intended for testing purposes and demonstrating functionality of the editors. DO NOT use this integration example on your own server without proper code modifications. In case you enabled the test example, disable it before going for production.

Please keep in mind the following security aspects when you are using test examples:

  • There is no protection of the storage from unauthorized access since there is no need for authorization.
  • There are no checks against parameter substitution in links, since the parameters are generated by the code according to the pre-arranged scripts.
  • There are no data checks in requests of saving the file after editing, since each test example is intended for requests only from ONLYOFFICE Docs.
  • There are no prohibitions on using test examples from other sites, since they are intended to interact with ONLYOFFICE Docs from another domain.

The Python example offers various installation options, but we highly recommend using Docker for this purpose.

Option 1. Using Docker

To run the example using Docker, you will need Docker Desktop 4.17.0 or Docker Engine 20.10.23 with Docker Compose 2.15.1. Additionally, you might want to consider installing GNU Make 4.4.1, although it is optional. These are the minimum versions required for the tools.

Once you have everything installed, download the release archive and unarchive it:

curl --output --location

Then open the example directory and up containers:

cd "Python Example"
make compose-prod

By default, the server starts at localhost:80.

To configure the example, you can edit the environment variables in compose-base.yml. See below for more information about environment variables.

Option 2. On local machine

Download and install ONLYOFFICE Docs (packaged as Document Server):

Check the detailed guide to learn how to install it on Windows, Linux, or Docker.

To run the example on your local machine, you will need Python 3.11.4 with pip 23.1.2. Additionally, you might want to consider installing GNU Make 4.4.1, although it is optional. These are the minimum versions required for the tools.

Once you have everything installed, download the release archive and unarchive it:

curl --output --location

Then open the example directory, install dependencies, and start the server:

cd "Python Example"
make prod
make server-prod

By default, the server starts at

To configure the example, you can pass the environment variables before the command that starts the server. See below for more information about environment variables.

In case the example and ONLYOFFICE Docs are installed on different computers, make sure that your server with the example installed has access to the ONLYOFFICE Docs with the address which you specify instead of documentserver in the configuration files.

Make sure that the ONLYOFFICE Docs in its turn has access to the server with the example installed with the address which you specify instead of in the configuration files.

The example is configured by changing environment variables.

Parameter Description Example
Disable or enable debug mode. false
The address where the server should be started.
The port on which the server should be running. 80
The URL through which the server will communicate with ONLYOFFICE Docs http://proxy:8080
The URL through which a user will communicate with ONLYOFFICE Docs. http://localhost:8080
The URL through which ONLYOFFICE Docs will communicate with the server. http://proxy
JWT authorization secret. Leave blank to disable authorization. your-256-bit-secret

If you integrated the editors successfully the result should look like the demo preview on our site.