
Name Resource Description
Add an entity comment POST api/2.0/community/wiki/comment Adds a comment to the selected entity with the content specified in the request.
Create a page POST api/2.0/community/wiki Creates a new wiki page with the page name and content specified in the request.
Create a page comment POST api/2.0/community/wiki/{page}/comment Creates a comment on the selected wiki page with the content specified in the request.
Delete a file DELETE api/2.0/community/wiki/file/{name} Deletes a file with the name specified in the request from the wiki page 'Files' section.
Delete a page DELETE api/2.0/community/wiki/{name} Deletes a wiki page with the name specified in the request.
Get a comment preview POST api/2.0/community/wiki/comment/preview Returns a comment preview with the content specified in the request.
Get a file GET api/2.0/community/wiki/file/{name} Returns the detailed information about a file with the name specified in the request from the wiki page 'Files' section.
Get a page GET api/2.0/community/wiki/{name} Returns the detailed information on a wiki page with the name and version specified in the request.
Get page comments GET api/2.0/community/wiki/{page}/comment Returns a list of all the comments on the wiki page with the name specified in the request.
Get pages GET api/2.0/community/wiki Returns a list of all the pages from the wiki or wiki category specified in the request.
Get the page history GET api/2.0/community/wiki/{page}/story Returns a list of history changes for a wiki page with the name specified in the request.
Remove a comment DELETE api/2.0/community/wiki/comment/{commentid} Removes a comment with the ID specified in the request.
Search pages by content GET api/2.0/community/wiki/search/bycontent/{content} Returns a list of wiki pages with the content matching the search query specified in the request.
Search pages by name GET api/2.0/community/wiki/search/byname/{name} Returns a list of wiki pages with the name matching the search query specified in the request.
Update a comment PUT api/2.0/community/wiki/comment/{commentid} Updates a comment on the selected wiki page with the content specified in the request.
Update a page PUT api/2.0/community/wiki/{name} Updates a wiki page with the name and content specified in the request.
Upload files POST api/2.0/community/wiki/file Uploads the selected files to the wiki page 'Files' section.