
Name Resource Description
Check invoice existence by number GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/bynumber/exist Returns the existence of an invoice with the number specified in the request.
Create an invoice POST api/2.0/crm/invoice Creates an invoice with the parameters (contact ID, consignee ID, etc.) specified in the request.
Create an invoice item POST api/2.0/crm/invoiceitem Creates an invoice item with the parameters (title, description, price, etc.) specified in the request.
Create an invoice line POST api/2.0/crm/invoiceline Creates an invoice line with the parameters (invoice ID, invoice item ID, etc.) specified in the request.
Create an invoice tax POST api/2.0/crm/invoice/tax Creates an invoice tax with the parameters (name, description, rate) specified in the request.
Delete an invoice DELETE api/2.0/crm/invoice/{invoiceid} Deletes an invoice with the ID specified in the request.
Delete an invoice item DELETE api/2.0/crm/invoiceitem/{id} Deletes an invoice item with the ID specified in the request.
Delete an invoice line DELETE api/2.0/crm/invoiceline/{id} Deletes an invoice line with the ID specified in the request.
Delete an invoice tax DELETE api/2.0/crm/invoice/tax/{id} Deletes an invoice tax with the ID specified in the request.
Delete invoice items DELETE api/2.0/crm/invoiceitem Deletes a group of invoice items with the IDs specified in the request.
Delete invoices DELETE api/2.0/crm/invoice Deletes a group of invoices with the IDs specified in the request.
Get an invoice by ID GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/{invoiceid} Returns the detailed information about an invoice with the ID specified in the request.
Get an invoice by number GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/bynumber Returns the detailed information about an invoice with the number specified in the request.
Get an invoice item by ID GET api/2.0/crm/invoiceitem/{invoiceitemid} Returns the detailed information about an invoice item with the ID specified in the request.
Get an invoice sample GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/sample Returns the detailed information about an invoice sample.
Get entity invoices GET api/2.0/crm/{entityType}/invoicelist/{entityid} Returns a list of all the invoices related to the entity with the ID and type specified in the request.
Get filtered invoice items GET api/2.0/crm/invoiceitem/filter Returns a list of invoice items matching the parameters specified in the request.
Get invoice converter data POST api/2.0/crm/invoice/converter/data Returns information about the generation of the invoice pdf file.
Get invoice taxes GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/tax Returns a list of invoice taxes.
Get invoices GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/filter Returns a list of invoices matching the parameters specified in the request.
Get the default invoice settings GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/settings Returns the default invoice settings.
Get the invoice JSON data GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/jsondata/{invoiceid} Returns the JSON data of an invoice with the ID specified in the request.
Get the invoice pdf file GET api/2.0/crm/invoice/{invoiceid}/pdf Returns the pdf file related to an invoice with the ID specified in the request.
Save the invoice number default settings PUT api/2.0/crm/invoice/settings/name Saves the default settings for the invoice number specified in the request.
Save the invoice terms default settings PUT api/2.0/crm/invoice/settings/terms Saves the default settings for the invoice terms specified in the request.
Update an invoice PUT api/2.0/crm/invoice/{id} Updates the selected invoice with the parameters (contact ID, consignee ID, etc.) specified in the request.
Update an invoice group status PUT api/2.0/crm/invoice/status/{status} Updates a status of invoices with the IDs specified in the request.
Update an invoice item PUT api/2.0/crm/invoiceitem/{id} Updates the selected invoice item with the parameters (title, description, price, etc.) specified in the request.
Update an invoice line PUT api/2.0/crm/invoiceline/{id} Updates the selected invoice line with the parameters (invoice ID, invoice item ID, etc.) specified in the request.
Update an invoice tax PUT api/2.0/crm/invoice/tax/{id} Updates the selected invoice tax with the parameters (name, description, rate) specified in the request.