
Name Resource Description
Check the product administrator GET api/2.0/settings/security/administrator Checks if the selected user is an administrator of a product with the ID specified in the request.
Get the module availability GET api/2.0/settings/security/{id} Returns the availability of the module with the ID specified in the request.
Get the password settings GET api/2.0/settings/security/password Returns the portal password settings.
Get the product administrators GET api/2.0/settings/security/administrator/{productid} Returns a list of all the administrators of the product with the ID specified in the request.
Get the security settings GET api/2.0/settings/security Returns the security settings for the modules specified in the request.
Set the module security settings PUT api/2.0/settings/security Sets the security settings to the module with the ID specified in the request.
Set the password settings PUT api/2.0/settings/security/password Sets the portal password settings.
Set the product administrator PUT api/2.0/settings/security/administrator Sets the selected user as an administrator of a product with the ID specified in the request.
Set the security settings to modules PUT api/2.0/settings/security/access Sets the security settings to the modules with the IDs specified in the request.