
Name Resource Description
Add a project comment POST api/2.0/project/comment Adds a project comment with the parameters specified in the request. The parent comment ID can also be selected.
Add a project contact POST api/2.0/project/{projectid}/contact Adds the selected contact to the project with the ID specified in the request.
Create a project POST api/2.0/project Creates a new project using all the necessary (title, description, responsible ID, etc) and some optional parameters specified in the request.
Create a project with team security POST api/2.0/project/withSecurity Creates a new project with team security using all the necessary (title, description, responsible ID, etc) and some optional parameters specified in the request.
Delete a project DELETE api/2.0/project/{id} Deletes a project with the ID specified in the request from the portal.
Delete a project contact DELETE api/2.0/project/{projectid}/contact Deletes the selected contact from the project with the ID specified in the request.
Delete projects DELETE api/2.0/project Deletes the projects with the IDs specified in the request from the portal.
Get a project by ID GET api/2.0/project/{id} Returns the detailed information about a project with the ID specified in the request.
Get contact projects GET api/2.0/project/contact/{contactid} Returns a list of all the projects linked with a contact with the ID specified in the request.
Get filtered projects GET api/2.0/project/filter Returns a list of all the portal projects filtered by project title, status, participant ID, and other parameters specified in the request.
Get followed projects GET api/2.0/project/@follow Returns a list of all the projects which the current user is following.
Get my projects GET api/2.0/project/@self Returns a list of all the projects in which the current user participates.
Get projects GET api/2.0/project Returns a list of all the portal projects with the base information about them.
Get projects by status GET api/2.0/project/{status} Returns a list of all the projects with a status specified in the request.
Project subscription PUT api/2.0/project/{projectid}/follow Subscribes to or unsubscribes from the notifications about the actions performed in the project with the ID specified in the request.
Search in a project GET api/2.0/project/{id}/@search/{query} Returns the search results for a project containing the words/phrases matching the query specified in the request.
Search projects GET api/2.0/project/@search/{query} Returns a list of all the projects matching the query specified in the request.
Update a project PUT api/2.0/project/{id} Updates the existing project using all the parameters (project ID, title, description, responsible ID, etc) specified in the request.
Update a project status PUT api/2.0/project/{id}/status Updates a status of a project with the ID specified in the request.
Update a project with team security PUT api/2.0/project/{id}/withSecurityInfo Updates the existing project with team security using all the parameters (project ID, title, description, responsible ID, etc) specified in the request.