
Name Resource Description
Add operators PUT api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/{numberId}/oper Adds the operators to the phone number with the ID specified in the request.
Answer a call POST api/2.0/crm/voip/call/{callId}/answer Answers a phone call with the ID specified in the request.
Buy a phone number POST api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers Buys a phone number specified in the request.
Delete a phone number DELETE api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/{numberId} Deletes a phone number with the ID specified in the request.
Delete an operator DELETE api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/{numberId}/oper Deletes an operator from the phone number with the ID specified in the request.
Delete an uploaded file DELETE api/2.0/crm/voip/uploads Deletes an uploaded file with the name specified in the request.
Get a call GET api/2.0/crm/voip/call/{callId} Returns the detailed information about a phone call with the ID specified in the request.
Get a phone number GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/{numberId} Returns a phone number with the ID specified in the request.
Get a phone number token GET api/2.0/crm/voip/token Returns a token for the current phone number.
Get all phone numbers GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/existing Returns all the existing phone numbers.
Get calls GET api/2.0/crm/voip/call Returns a list of the calls matching the parameters specified in the request.
Get filtered phone numbers GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/available Returns all the available phone numbers matching the parameters specified in the request.
Get missed calls GET api/2.0/crm/voip/call/missed Returns a list of all the missed calls.
Get operators GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/{numberId}/oper Returns the operators of the phone number with the ID specified in the request.
Get the current phone number GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/current Returns the current phone number.
Get the links to the uploaded files GET api/2.0/crm/voip/uploads Returns the links to the VoIP uploaded files.
Get the VoIP settings GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/settings Returns the VoIP settings.
Get unlinked phone numbers GET api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/unlinked Returns a list of all the unlinked phone numbers.
Link a phone number POST api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/link Links a new phone number with the ID specified in the request to the VoIP provider.
Make a call POST api/2.0/crm/voip/call Makes a call to the phone number specified in the request.
Redirect a call POST api/2.0/crm/voip/call/{callId}/redirect Redirects a phone call with the ID specified in the request to the specified phone number.
Reject a call POST api/2.0/crm/voip/call/{callId}/reject Rejects a phone call with the ID specified in the request.
Save a call POST api/2.0/crm/voip/call/{callId} Saves a call with the parameters specified in the request.
Save a call price POST api/2.0/crm/voip/price/{callId} Saves a price for the call with the ID specified in the request.
Update an operator PUT api/2.0/crm/voip/opers/{operatorId} Updates a phone number operator with the parameters specified in the request.
Update the phone number settings PUT api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/{numberId}/settings Updates the settings of the phone number with the ID specified in the request.
Update the VoIP settings PUT api/2.0/crm/voip/numbers/settings Updates the VoIP settings with the parameters specified in the request.